X: Changes to my study program
Well, hi to whoever is reading this. Before I start writing about the career, I want to make it clear for you that, in fact, I don’t like it (like I said the pasts entries), and my opinion will probably be super… You know. Hater. Dear journalism fellas. I’m talking specifically to the ones who have the new study program. You are very lucky! In fact, you’ve got a whole new and complete program. And I’m going to tell you why. First, you’ve got electives during 3° year –If you take electives during the 4° too, please correct me. We, the ones with the old program, are capable to take electives only during 5° year. If you’re wondering, we don’t have such electives like judicial journalism (I think in your program is called ‘Tribunales’) and data journalism. You guys have economic, historic subjects, which will help you make yourself a more complete journalist. Is true, you’ve got a lot of subjets, even more that we with the old program have. But is way better. I think the le...