I: A country I would like to visit

Some people are known as "citizens of the world" because they travel around, discover new cultures and had the resources to do it. I think I am one of them, but the difference is that I don't have money, only but wanting to travel!

That's why is hard picking a country. India, Japan, Brazil, Colombia... But I'm gonna pick Australia.

Image result for australia
I hope when I travel there i get to see one of those! 🤣 
There are several motives, but the principal is that I want to be in a country where the native tongue is english. Push myself to situations where I have to, with no other options, speak that language- and between all the english-speaking countries is one of the underrated ones. 

In Australia there is a beautiful building called the Sydney Opera House. It used to be harness solely for art events, but a few days ago the New South Wales goverment anounced that they're gonna make a horse race in there.

Image result for australia
The Sydney Opera House. Source: Wikipedia
What more do I know? Not much. There is this stereotype of surfing people, koalas and kangaroos, but I bet there is so much more of that. 

Also, two of my favourite bands are from Australia: Tonight Alive and AC/DC. And 5SOS too, but they count more as a guilty pleasure.

Image result for ac dc australian
Australia was the country who saw this dudes rise.

I definitely want to live there (and also study or work in the meanwhile) but only for two years. 


  1. What? A horse race in a place dedicated to opera? What's the point of doing that? Doing a horse race there wouldn't make a total mess? I think it would. I really hope they decide not to do that.

  2. Australia is a great place to go. I love koalas and kangaroos their are a special animals and hate that lock them in a zoo.

  3. wow, like angie cañas im surprised too about the horse race in the opera building, I think is very crazy and funny anyway.

  4. I've never thougt that the country that you liked to go was Australia jaja I hope that one day you could all the places that yo want

  5. A horse race? really? I don't know much about Australia, I've heard that everything in there is poisonous, but I don't know if it's true.
    I would love to see a kangaroo in the wild! not in a zoo, that's really sad.

  6. Australia is a great country to visit,i don't know Australia yet, but my teacher's degree guide left two months ago and told me that Australia is very beautiful and that there is a lot to know.


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