I: A country I would like to visit
Some people are known as " citizens of the world " because they travel around, discover new cultures and had the resources to do it. I think I am one of them, but the difference is that I don't have money, only but wanting to travel! That's why is hard picking a country. India, Japan, Brazil, Colombia... But I'm gonna pick Australia. I hope when I travel there i get to see one of those! 🤣 There are several motives, but the principal is that I want to be in a country where the native tongue is english. Push myself to situations where I have to, with no other options, speak that language- and between all the english-speaking countries is one of the underrated ones. In Australia there is a beautiful building called the Sydney Opera House . It used to be harness solely for art events, but a few days ago the New South Wales goverment anounced that they're gonna make a horse race in there. The Sydney Opera House. Source: Wikipedia What m...